Testmax is a fixture finishing company that is introducing a two part 3070 that can reduce a dedicated 3070 fixture cost by as much as 50%

Tmax two part tooling also makes Do-It-Yourself Pricing the type of tool that any company can use to get a fast and pretty accurate finish fixture cost answer.

*Base is a one time cost (Vtep mux card built in)

*Tmax fixture kit is universal (single or double sided test)

Testmax Range

*max board size 9.5” x 12.0” *interface rows 13 to 20 *single or double sided test *180 degree twist - fixture lock *fixture weight 14 lbs *fixture storage - stackable

If you are interested in doing your own Tmax fixture evaluation, let us know.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.